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QuickLink Documentation
(C) Copyright Daniel Doman 1986, 1987, 1988
166 East 96th Street
New York, N.Y. 10128
QuickLink is copyrighted by, and is the sole property of Daniel B.
Doman. You are hereby granted a single user license to use QuickLink. You
may not modify QuickLink, resell, or otherwise charge for its use without
violating this license.
What QuickLink Is
QuickLink is a network mapping utility. It sets and resets network
device redirection. All network operating systems supply similar utilities, but
they are usually not as fast, and flexible, and the utilities from one network
operating system cannot work on another network operating system.
QuickLink can work in just about any local area network. It has been
tested under IBM, Novell, Vines, 3Com, Waterloo, and Network-OS. Most
network mapping utilities can map one item at a time, but QuickLink can
perform several operations from one command line. You can map both
directories and shared printers from the same command line.
QuickLink has been designed to be as small and fast as possible. There
is scant online help. It is intended for the experienced network user. The
command line syntax is necessarily terse. This documentaion does not
attempt to teach local area network theory. It assumes that you already
understand basic operations.
How To Use QuickLink
Compound Commands
You can give multiple commands to QuickLink by separating each
command with a semicolon. You can string as many commands together as
DOS will permit on a command line.
The basic syntax of all network redirection is "map this local `thing' to
that network 'thing'. The local `thing' is the name of a local device such as
a drive letter or a printer device such as LPT1: or PRN. The network
`thing' is the sharename created by such and such a network server. The
verb to redirect something varies from one network manufacturer to
another. Some say "MAP", some say "USE" and others say "LINK". They all
mean the same thing. An example of IBM mapping syntax is shown below:
Net Use
The Equivalent QuickLink syntax is below
Most network utilities will complain if you try to link a network
sharename to a local device which is already linked to something. If the
local name that you are linking the network sharename to is already linked
to something, QuickLink will automatically delete it.
QuickLink can link both directory and printer sharenames on the same
command line. Some networks such as 3Com and Novell require separate
utilities to map printers and directory sharenames.
Each network utility has slightly different syntax, but QuickLink uses
the same syntax on all networks.
If a sharename has a password, you must supply the password on your
command line. QuickLink will simply return an error if the password is
missing or incorrect. It is also an error to give a password where none was
required. Below is an example of linking to a network sharename with a
Listing Current Links
To list current redirection (mapping), you give QuickLink a "-L" on the
command line. If you feel more comfortable spelling out -LIST you can, but
QuickLink only cares about the first letter. The command above might thus
look like:
Deleting Links
Deleting a network Link is easy. Just give the local device name and
then a "/d" for delete. For example:
QL D: /D; PRN /d; E: /d; LPT1 /d
QuickLink will not complain if you delete redirection from a local device
that was not in fact redirected. The net result will be the same - the local
device is no longer redirected. An older version of QuickLink used an
exclamation point instead of the "/d" switch, and this version of QuickLink
accepts that syntax as well. For example:
QL D: !; PRN !; E: !; LPT1 !
Deleting All Links
You can delete all active network links by giving an asterisk for the
local device name. Below is an example..
QL * /d
Mapping To A Novell Network
Most people do not realize that Novell networks maintain IBM compatible
sharenames. Sometimes the sharenames are not obvious. You can get a better
feel for the sharenames that Novell uses if you LIST your current links
after logging in. The shared printers on a Novell server are typically called
PTR0, PTR1, and so forth.
Once you understand the IBM style sharenames that the Novell server
has generated, you can use QuickLink instead of the more cumbersome Novell
The syntax to see your current network links is below:
Mapping To A Vines Network
Banyan Vines networks maintain IBM style sharenames and redirection
tables. The naming conventions are the same as Vines "StreetTalk" names.
The trick in discerning the IBM style name is the same as for a Novell
network. Link to some drives and printers, and then LIST your links to see
what the IBM style sharenames are.
Mapping To A 3Com Network
3Com networks use a naming scheme that is almost identical to the IBM
style. One 3Com oddity that QuickLink demonstrates is that there is no real
security in a 3Com network. You can continue to link to network sharenames
even AFTER logging OFF of the 3Com network! What is really frightening is
that you can link to objects that you should not be able to access. Enough
said about this!
Making QuickLink Quiet
If you want to put QuickLink into "quiet" mode, just redirect its output
to NUL. For example: